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A Glimpse Over Patenting

Patenting is a process which involves filing up the patent application and conducting through patent search. If you have an invention which is unique and holds promise for future use then you can apply for patent.

However, make sure that you do understand the essence of patenting before filling the patent application. Patent is a legal right provided by the civil servant or the government representative to an individual or an entrepreneur for a unique and novel invention.

As per the patenting process, the inventor makes disclosure of the novel invention thus created. The disclosure is made by the individuals in written to the patent examiner. An application is filed by the inventor in which a particular invention is disclosed.

Together with the disclosure of the invention, drawings outlining the components of inventions are projected. The drawings are helpful in making the claims as it help in distinguishing as to how the invention is different from others as was described in https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/inventhelp article. However, if you are applying for a process or idea to be patented then the drawing might not be that useful.

The second step of patenting involves hiring of patent attorney. A patent attorney helps in applying for the Patent. As he is aware of the legal procedure of filling the patent application, he can prove really helpful in dealing with the patenting process.

As mentioned earlier the patenting process isn’t easy. Once you are done with the application filling process, the patent examiner would scrutinize your application. Random searches would be conducted by the examiner to make sure that the claims made by you are true and not fabricated.

The working of the invention and its usefulness would also be checked by the examiner. If the patent examiner feels that amendments are required to make in the patent application then he or she would ask the applicant to do so. Once the amendments are made and the application is filled by keeping the patent laws, patent would be granted to the invention for a particular set of time.

Patenting is bliss for the entrepreneurs and inventors who have come up with a novel idea. But one would be required to go through the painful process of patenting to get the patent. Remember without hard work no goals can be achieved. If you have put efforts in coming up with the invention then put some more efforts to go through the patenting process. There are really good helpful guides such as this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/INPEX.

No matter how hard and difficult the process might appears to you it is going to yield profits as you would get to earn from your innovation. Moreover, the patenting would prevent yous innovation from being misused by others.

My Patent Application is Filed-Now What?

Once someone has developed an idea, and has taken the necessary steps of consulting a patent attorney or patent law firm, they usually wonder what happens next. Of course the legal representative will explain the process of getting a patent, but it’s advantageous to have some advance knowledge of how the process works and what the inventor can do while waiting for a decision from the Patent Office.

If the a patent attorney has already filed a patent application for the invention, then that suggests that a successful, comprehensive patent search has found that no similar patents. Once a patent application has been filed, the applicant’s status is referred to as “Patent Pending”. The next step in the application process is referred to as the “patent prosecution” phase, which generally proceeds as follows:

First, an examiner from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) reviews the application to make a decision on whether the invention is patentable. The USPTO provides a manual (Manual of Patent Examination Procedure) to help them determine what is patentable as you can read on http://classifieds.usatoday.com/blog/business-spotlight/business-spotlight-inventhelp/.

For example, slogans, logos and names are considered trademarks, while music, art and writings fall under the category of copyrights. These types of intellectual property are not patentable. Patentable subject matter would include: business methods, processes, compositions, products and machines. The examiner must ensure that the actual invention falls within one of the established categories of patentable subject matter.

If the examiner finds that the request falls within one of the acceptable categories, the USPTO must then investigate whether the patent is for an actual new invention of a product or process. The patent office will conduct another detailed search to help determine if the invention is new. Should there be a similar patent pending application, the inventor with the earlier date of invention gets awarded the patent. (The date of invention is legally established as the date when the inventor has proven it works, or the day on which a workable process was conceived).

Once the patent prosecution phase is underway at the USPTO, the company or entrepreneur will have completed and signed documentation that can be used as evidence of their conception of the idea. The inventor can then claim ownership of the product, composition, process or machine. As such, they should start labeling the product or process awaiting decision on the patent application as “patent pending”. Appropriate markings on the product or process include: “pat. pend”, “pat. pending”, or “patent applied for”, followed by the application number.

This gives warning to others that the inventor may be able to bring a legal suit against any individual or company who utilizes, copies or sells an invention if the patent is awarded. Those who infringe a patent could be sued for damages as well as back-dated and future royalties and have their productions or manufacturing processes seized.

After eighteen months, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office publishes the application. (note: An inventor can request Non-Publication at the time of patent filing to avoid publication.) However, should the USPTO publish it prior to the patent being granted, the inventor has provisional rights during the patent-pending stage and can sue for damages from the date the application was published. Once the patent application is approved, all patent rights begin and infringement issues may be pursued as was explained in https://www.collegian.psu.edu/xpert_advice/article_1c0ae35e-1916-11e9-a355-13e0947b8cdc.html article.

Patent protection allows the creator of an idea to exclude others from making, using or selling the product, method or process. The patent owner can then sell rights to companies or other parties in exchange for royalty payments or some other form of compensation. An inventor should therefore seek patent protection for their invention as soon as possible.

Helpful Tips for Protecting, Developing and Marketing Your Idea

The tips we are about to share with you are based in part on the experience of inventors who successfully patented, developed and marketed their inventions. These tips may or may not work for every inventor and will likely require you to adapt them to your own unique situation.

Keep a notebook or log to record concept development

A notebook or log can be helpful for several reasons:

(1) it helps you keep track of your progress and testing results, so you don’t repeat steps;

(2) it can serve as evidence of date of conception in the event another inventor claims that they invented first.

When you have a completed concept for your invention order a patent search

A patent search is a relatively cost effective way to determine the likelihood of getting a patent for your invention. A patent search may also inform you about other similar inventions and help you differentiate your invention from these inventions. Also, a patent search may also be used as evidence to help establish date of conception. There are very good patenting companies, such as InventHelp – https://www.facebook.com/inventhelp/, that can do a professional patent search for you.

Avoid any public disclosure or offer for sale of your invention before you file a Patent Application.

If the patent search suggests that there is a good likelihood of getting a patent for your invention, then you should file a patent application as soon as possible. You should not make any “public disclosure” or “offer for sale” of your invention before filing a patent application, as it could result in a loss of patent rights. An “offer for sale” might include working with invention promotion companies who may try to sell your invention to third parties and should be avoided as explained in https://campuspress.yale.edu/tribune/inventhelp-gets-great-inventions-from-the-mind-to-the-market/ article.

File a Patent Application

As you can imagine, we recommend using a licensed patent attorney or agent to draft and file your patent application. A patent application is one of the most complicated legal documents that exist and should not be taken lightly. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has stringent requirements, as provided in the Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP), for proper format and contents of a patent application.

In addition, the strength of your patent often depends on how the legal claims are written. The claims define the legal boundaries of your invention and ideally should be drafted to cover your invention broadly, while avoiding any conflict with another patent reference. Therefore, you should work with an experienced patent attorney or agent who is familiar with MPEP requirements and is skilled at drafting patent claims.

How Do I Patent an Idea?

If you wish to patent an idea in the United States, you must file an application through the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO.gov) which is the US government department that issues patents and trademarks. By securing a patent against your idea it gives you the ability to take legal action against anyone who attempts to take advantage of your idea. This is because you are legally identified as the ‘owner’ of that idea. But patents don’t remain in force forever lasting between 14 and 20 years depending on the type of patent issued.

However, getting a patent is not an easy process and can be potentially very costly. Even if you apply for a patent you are far from guaranteed success and the legislation is incredibly complex for most people to understand as described in http://collegian.csufresno.edu/2019/07/22/should-i-use-inventhelp-to-bring-my-invention-to-life/. Let’s look at the basic process you must go through in order to secure a patent.

Check if your idea has already been patented – You can do this on the USPTO website which provides a variety of search options. There is no guarantee that even if your idea has been patented you will necessarily find it through a search but it is a great starting point and will potentially save you lots of otherwise wasted money and effort.

Decide on the type of patent – There are three major categories identified by USPTO which are Plant Patent (Patenting of different type of new plants), Design Patents (related to specific designs) and the Utility Patent (relating to processes including those used in manufacture) which is the most common.

Decide on Coverage – Do you need United States only patent protection or international protection. You can apply for international protection through the Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT) which seeks to offer additional protection by means of an agreement between the US Government and the European Patent Office.

Utility Patents Type – Specifically for Utility Patents you can go for the full non-provisional patent requiring the more rigorous application process. Alternatively, you can apply for a Provisional Patent which lasts only 12 months and cannot be extended but is a much simpler and cheaper process to work through. ‘Patent Pending’ can be assigned to the idea and once this more limited protection is in place you can still go ahead and file for the full non-provisional patent as well.

Prepare all the paperwork and evidence – Whether you do this yourself or hire a professional is a matter of choice but USPTO recommends hiring a professional to do this for you.

Online Application – Apply online through the EFS (Electronic Filing System) once you have registered and you can manage your application and track progress through the EFS portal. Details of this service are on the USPTO website.

Yes or No? If your application is approved you will be liable for the appropriate fees. If it is not approved you can appeal and ask for it to be reconsidered. This will be at an additional cost as written on https://www.sfexaminer.com/marketplace/how-can-you-benefit-from-inventhelp/.

Fees – These include a filing and examination fee which is charged whether your patent is ultimately granted or not. Once approved you will need to pay an issue fee and maintenance fees every three to four years. There are a number of additional fees that may be levied for example if your application paperwork is over 100 pages. All these fees can quickly add up to be in the thousands of dollars. The fee schedule can be found on the USPTO website.

How to Choose a Patent Attorney

The process for registering a patent with the United States Patent & Trademarks Office (USPTO) is complex and costly and therefore it makes sense to hire a professional patent attorney to support you in making your application. The process of becoming a patent attorney is very lengthy and involved.

To give you an idea every US Patent Attorney must possess an appropriate undergraduate degree THEN pass the incredibly difficult U.S. Patent Bar examinations and THEN graduate from law school before finally pass their state’s bar exam.

However, even with all of this education and all of these examinations under their belt there huge variety of potential patents that could be filed means that no single patent attorney can handle every application. You will find in larger firms that they will have patent attorneys that specialize in specific areas and it is worth considering a specialist attorney for very niche ideas as discussed on http://blogs.bu.edu/suechen/inventhelp-taking-inventions-from-paper-to-the-global-marketplace/.

So what can you look for in a patent attorney?

Here are some pointers:

Are they qualified? – This is very easily solved by searching the USPTO Attorney / Agent Search online. At time of writing there are over ten thousand active agents and thirty two thousand active attorneys.

Attorney or Agent? – There is a world of difference between a patent attorney and a patent agent. An attorney is technically and legally qualified whereas an agent does not need to be legally qualified but can support the completion of applications from a technical standpoint. Ensure that you are employing an attorney not an agent if this is what you require.

Are they able to handle your particular application? – It is worth inquiring if they have previously (and ideally successfully) secured patents for similar types of applications to yours. This need not be a deal breaker but you want to feel confident that they have the skills, knowledge and understanding required to complete your application successfully.

Don’t necessarily go with the biggest or the one that advertises the most – You are looking for the most appropriate attorney to handle your application. Bigger firms do sometimes have the advantage of having specialist divisions but smaller, more specialized firms may be more effective for you. There are no definitive rules about this. Just simply be aware of choosing the most appropriate firm for you.

Gather the evidence – Shortlist a number of patent attorneys to investigate further. Look for independent reviews of their services, ask others for recommendations if you are able to do so and if you have any doubts then ask the questions. Ask them for sample applications, terms of business, their fee schedule and any other information you may require.

Who is the expert? – Remember that you are the expert in your idea. The attorney is the expert in navigating the legalities and processes required to secure your desired patent. The attorney can only work with the information that s/he is provided with and therefore you have a responsibility to ensure that you communicate your idea clearly. A good patent attorney will help you to structure your idea and put it into your application in a way that supports the patent process.

Take your time – Do not feel rushed or pressured into choosing a particular patent attorney. After all you are going to potentially be spending a lot of money with them and on your patent application. Therefore, it is essential that you ensure that you are happy to proceed both with your application and the particular attorney.

You are not alone if you start investigating a patent attorney and find out that you are not ready to begin the process. If this is the case, be honest with the attorney, take some time to get yourself prepared and then you can approach them when you are ready to begin.

There are a number of things to consider when hiring a patent attorney or an patenting agency. Luckily, there is a rigorous qualification process and you can easily check their credentials online in the United States as stated in http://www.sfweekly.com/sponsored/why-inventors-turn-to-experts-like-inventhelp/ article.

Mother’s Day personalized gifts

All in all, finding gifts for anyone can be a challenge, let alone trying to find that perfect gift for Mom on a day like Mother’s Day. Designed as a day to honor our mother, this day symbolizes all the sacrifices and effort she makes for us on a daily basis. So how can we commemorate this event for her in such a way as to give her something she’ll appreciate as much as we appreciate her?

We have all seen shows where kids put together this big breakfast tray to treat Mom to breakfast in bed. While this is a great idea, it can be memorable for many reasons. One reason can be the question “Just exactly how did those eggs get cooked in the first place?” but you want to make it memorable for more than just that. If you are not a gourmet chef, finding a more permanent way to celebrate the event to express how much you appreciate her can be quite a challenge.

One great way to celebrate Mother’s Day is buy getting her a personalized gift. Finding a special gift like a jewelry box and having it personalized makes the task much simpler. All Moms like to show off pictures of the loves in her life so a picture frame or flip sequin pillow is a great idea. Adding your Mom’s name to the pillow or having it engraved with a phrase like “from your favorite son” adds a level of specialness. It will be appreciated on every day she looks at it, not just Mother’s Day.

Other gifts can be personalized as well, showing just how much you appreciate her efforts and sacrifices. It could be a pen and pencil set, or stationary and notepads, or even a compact or contact case, every time she uses that gift, she’ll know that not only did you take the time to give her a great gift, but you took the time to have it personalized just for her. Face it, getting a special gift for Mother’s Day will be special for her on that day as well as many other times.

Buying a special gift for Mom can be a challenge any time of the year, but Mother’s Day can be even harder as there is only one woman you call “Mom”. Finding a special gift and then having it personalized not only shows her you love and honor her on the special day, but that you want her to know every day how much you appreciate her. Isn’t that what every Mother wants? It’s never too soon to sit down and find that perfect gift. Having it personalized for her is going to make that great gift even greater!

Things To Avoid In Estate Planning

Estate is a word that sometimes brings to mind a big mansion with sprawling grounds. But even if you don’t have a big house, you have an estate, and you need to think about what is going to happen when you die. The scenario of the grieving family crying in the county probate judge’s office because daddy didn’t make a viable will is one that happens often in courthouses in France. You can avoid placing a burden on your family by hiring a avocat succession Paris and avoiding these five mistakes.

Disregarding your need for an estate. Do you have children? So you don’t have a mansion but do you own a home? Do you own anything? Fighting over who is going to get what when a person dies can cause a lot of friction in the family. You can avoid this by assigning your belongings in the will. And if your children are minors, you need to make sure they will be cared for once you are gone, especially if you are a single parent.

Using youth as an excuse. I don’t want to scare you but young people die every day. As stated above, if you own anything or if you have children, you need to have a plan. Dying without a will in some states means the court will distribute your assets. Here’s an idea for parents of teenagers–have them do powers of attorney for financial and health care decision making when they turn 18.

Using a form off the Internet. Several websites have examples of wills you can download and fill out for a small fee. However, these sites often are not up-to-date on the current laws. These wills are a risk for so many reasons.

Forgetting to service your estate plan. If you have an estate plan, then you are ahead of the game. But you are not at the finish line yet. How long has it been since you have looked at your will or trust? Remember the Four (4) L’s – things can change in the law, your life, your legacy and in your lawyer’s experience. Make sure your estate plan is up-to-date. The national average for updating is 19.6 years – we recommend reviewing every two to three years.

Ignoring plans for pets. Never assume that if you die, someone is going to care for your beloved pet. Make a plan for them. They cared for you while you were alive. Make sure they are cared for all of their life.

The good news is many of these mistakes are easily fixed. Take the time to review or begin an estate planning to avoid problems for your loved ones after you are gone.

About a Diamond Cut

Before setting out to buy a diamond ring, either for an future engagement or for a wedding anniversary as a reminder of your impressions of your wife, these are some things that every man should recognize when it comes to purchasing diamonds.

The easiest way to judge a diamond before purchasing is using the four C’s:

Diamond cut

The diamond cut is the first element to study when buying a diamond. A diamond cut pertains to the diamond’s reflecting qualities, and a expert diamond cut will add grandness. The luminance of a diamond has to do with the angles and texture of the diamond.

The diamond cut has been rated so that there is a appraise system to be implemented to all diamonds, this is useful to specify the value and price of a diamond. The Diamond cut grading system different steps are: Ideal, Premium, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor. Finally, you have to make the determination for yourself which is the right diamond cut for what you want and can afford.

Diamond Clarity

While diamonds are forming, the process of inner flaws happen, and the Clarity of a diamond is supported on the number and size of these flaws and the profile of the diamond. How clear-cut a diamond looks sets the higher value, and naturally the higher price of that 鑽石.

Diamond Color

If looking at the color of a diamond, the most preferable color is no color at all. This is on account of how they will sparkle, or in more specialized terms, allowing the most refraction of light. Color of a diamond is everlasting and will not alter over time. Jewelers utilize a grading system with letters to specify color in a diamond, beginning with ‘D’ being the highest, and ‘X’ being the lowest or a light yellow in color.

The grade ‘D’, ‘E’, or ‘F’ relate to a colorless diamond, and ‘G’, ‘H’, and ‘I’ embrace nearly colorless. To an naive eye, a diamond that is graded in the ‘G’, ‘H’ or ‘I’ range will show almost no color. Depending on the setting for the ring, the color of the diamond will be a condition, a light colored setting like Platinum or White Gold would look finer with a higher grade of diamond color.

Carat Weight

A diamond is evaluated in weight by the unit of a carat. The price of a diamond climbs in relation to the higher weight of a diamond. This is because of the rareness of bigger diamonds. Something to keep in mind when purchasing a diamond is that the size is evident and merits careful thoughtfulness. Carat weight should not be mixed up with the purity of gold, which is supported on the carat unit or system.

Wedding planning help

Where do you go when you need wedding planning help in Cologne? There are plenty of things that you should be taking into consideration here. In fact, if you do not know where to go for help on any aspect of planning your wedding, you can not and will not find it to be a non-stressful event. The bottom line is that you do need some extra help along the way, and most people do.

You need to know where to go to get the wedding planning advice that you need so that you do not need to worry about it the whole step of the way. Yet, there are some great resources out there that can and will make this a quite profitable adventure.

If you need help with planning your wedding and you are using a wedding coordinator, then you should direct all of your questions and concerns to them. Remember that nothing is too small of a concern and everything should be discussed. In addition, you should plan to concentrate on a variety of other sources for help if you do not have the help of a wedding planner.

In this case, considering your family and friends may be the way to go. If they are helping you by allowing you fulfill the desires that you have for your wedding, they it is fine. If they are using it as an influence to change the way that you are planning your wedding, look for help other places.

There are plenty of resources that can provide benefits to you. For example, the web is full of various aspects of help in planning. You can find all types of wedding services online, from getting a wedding dress to finding the best wedding photographer to Hochzeit fotografieren lassen in Köln und Umgebung. You can consult a wedding planning guide for additional help as well. There are plenty of aspects of help from a wedding planner and that can allow you to find the success you need and the help you must have.

Diamond Wedding Rings

Wedding rings have seen many transformations through out time. At first they were fashioned out of hemp by the ancient Egyptians. Then eventually Romans brought a formal ceremony and metal to the wedding tradition. The diamond wedding ring didn’t really appear until the 15th century when a diamond betrothal ring was exchanged at the wedding of Hapsburg Emperor Maximilian I and Mary, daughter of Charles the Bold. And even after that, it didn’t fully catch on. The Puritans thought the diamond wedding rings were too decadent. Consequently, many of the pilgrims exchanged wedding thimbles!

These days any thing goes. Some couples even opt for matching wedding bands, forgoing the ring altogether. Still, the diamond wedding ring is still the most popular piece of wedding jewelry available. There’s just something about the seemingly indestructible nature of a diamond that makes it a perfect symbol for everlasting love.

Which is why you want to make sure you find the perfect diamond wedding ring at the perfect 鑽石價格.

Some things to keep in mind while your shopping:

1. Quality – not size – counts: Big rings are nice, but carat, color, clarity, and especially cut are what determines a stone’s true value.
2. Though it is the man who traditionally picks the wedding ring, it’s becoming more and more for couples to shop for a ring together. If you’re the groom, and you’re not sure what she wants, you might be better off searching for a wedding ring together.
3. Thought diamond rings are beautiful in their own right, they need your help to stay that way. Regular cleanings with a solution specifically designed for diamonds is highly recommended.