
Showing: 61 - 70 of 153 Articles

How to Patent a Design

If you are trying to understand how to patent a design, be prepared to fill out a number of documents. Understanding how patent works and how United States design patents function it the key towards being able to create your first patent. In the United States, being able to patent a product prevents other people from creating and marketing the same item within the United States.

Patenting a Design

You cannot start with just having the concept within your mind; you must first make the idea in a physical reality. Try creating a prototype so that you can prove the patenting process works. Attorneys often differ on their requirements. Some believe that you should begin production of your product; others believe that you should first have it documented. No matter what, having an professional’s opinion from a company such as InventHelp can make the process much smoother.

Within the United States, you have one year before you have to declare a design patent. Whether it has been done privately or publicly, creators must disclose the idea within the one year time frame. Disclosures can include the sale of a product prior to its invention. After the expiration of the year, then the person loses the right to patent the design automatically. Due to these legalities, patents should file as soon as possible.

Getting an Attorney

After the patent application has been started, an attorney is in charge of creating the document. There are numerous formalities and rules involved in registering a patent. Every possible variation of the invention has to be considered as you register your design patent. After the design patent is complete, an inventor does not want to take the risk of someone else coming along and taking their idea by modifying it slightly. An attorney who knows how to patent a design is experience and can guide an inventor through the entire process.

The Requirements

In order to apply for a patent, the product must be useful and function properly. The new patent should be new and not obviously a different form of another patent in existence. As such, it cannot be something that is already legally sold within the United States. Anytime a new design is offered for sale, the owner has one year to register it with the United States government. Patents are also not provided for simple ideas or any kind of abstract idea like a law of nature or natural phenomenon.

Get Online

Registering a patent is growing increasingly easier in the age of the Internet. People can look up how to patent a design on the web and even fill out all the paperwork. The process makes it simpler to search for similar patents in existence and find a qualified lawyer. Numerous websites have been created that put control over registering a patent in the hands of the owner of the product and you can find out more at https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-step-by-step-guide-inventor/ about it.

A patent for a design is one of the three types of patents in existence. This form of patenting allows the designer to protect the product’s original design. From the day the patent is granted, it will last for fourteen years.

Myths About Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling – There are lots of myths about marriage counseling. We discuss three of the biggest ones, and the truth behind them.

Don’t put off seeking marriage counseling! Many couples in NYC avoid marriage counseling, only to let the marriage deteriorate beyond repair. Marriage counseling can be sought at any stage of a problematic marriage, from the start of troubles right through the decision to divorce.

Yet, misconceptions about marriage counseling are often the reason couples avoid marriage counseling. Here are some common myths, and why they aren’t true.

1. Marriage counseling is for couples only. Not true! Although marriage counseling works best for couples, individual spouses can, and do, seek marriage counseling.

2. Marriage counselors choose sides. There are people who will tell you that marriage counseling isn’t effective because the counselors choose sides. Often, these are the people who didn’t commit fully to the marriage counseling process, or were unwilling to accept culpability in their marital problems.

Marriage counseling is not about pitting one side against another. Marriage counseling is about helping couples work through their problems with the assistance of an objective observer.

3. Marriage counseling is too expensive. Even though any form of effective therapy has a cost, many insurance companies cover the cost of marriage counseling.

Remember, almost any troubled marriage can benefit from marriage counseling NYC therapist. Commit completely to the goal of saving your marriage, and marriage counseling becomes an invaluable tool.

Digital Painting in Photoshop

Photoshop Courses For Beginners

The internet is a great place for Photoshop beginners to start for a variety of reasons. Above all else, there is not much pressure to perform. You are not in a class with a bunch of other students. Instead, you are learning from the comfort of your own home at a pace you are comfortable with. Does it get any better than that? You can control the entire process from beginning to end and that is what matters most.

Another thing to consider is the fact that online Photoshop courses are not going to be nearly as expensive as some of your other options. For many, this is a big deal because it allows them to save money while still learning. This puts you in position to improve your Photoshop experience and skills without having to part with a lot of money. This is something that most people are interested in, and you should feel the same way if you are just getting your feet wet.

Of course, there is no reason to believe that just because you are a beginner that you are going to be stuck not learning from the best. There are many great online courses out there, such as “The Laws of Color Photoshop Bundle” digital painting course, many of which are taught by some of the top Photoshop professionals around. This means that you are going to get a lot of help from people with tons of knowledge and experience with this program. You may be surprised to find that you are going to be in touch with some of the brightest Photoshop minds around.

Now that you have a clear idea of what you are hoping to accomplish by enrolling in an online Photoshop course for beginners, you can decide if moving forward is the right idea at the present time. There are a lot of people who think they can learn on their own, but find out soon enough that this is not the case.

You should at least look into online courses so that you are able to make a decision that will benefit you now and in the long run. Remember, even if you don’t decide to take an online Photoshop course right now you may change your mind at some point in the near future. You may decide that this is something you want to do later on in your life.

Cute Going Out Dresses

Are you looking for a unique dress for an upcoming occasion? Cute party dresses are commonly used during summer outdoor occasions because they, at least in most cases, do not provide much warmth and are generally small and thin. Many of them have a very original style, but they do often come with the typical “summer dress” style of design that could include simple flower or landscape styled designs.

The good thing about going out dresses is that they can be worn during just about any occasion and one popular recent trend is to wear jeans under shorter dresses, often referred to as a shirt-dress style when it is designed specifically for this type of wear, which has made them even more versatile, allowing you to wear them year around in numerous different occasions. No more will you have to pack them away for the winter when it gets too cold.

Another good thing about going out dresses is the price. Of course, designer dresses will cost you a pretty penny, but there are plenty of unique going out dresses that are not all that expensive and can be purchased at a discount during the winter months.

Unique going out dresses could be one-shoulder, two-shouldered or even strapless. It is important that you have a good idea about the kind of dress that is appropriate for the given occasion, because you wouldn’t want to over or under dress. Cute-styled dresses can refer to a wide range of different dresses, but most of them will be quite short, which can be a bit inappropriate for some situations. Try asking those that you are going with what they plan on wearing and make sure that you inquire about any dress code restrictions before coming to your decision.

Parties happen year around, so cute party dresses are always available for purchase, but you might be able to find a discount on some items during the winter months when parties are not as common. You can also find longer-cut dresses that are meant for more formal occasions when gowns are still not appropriate to wear. Often times these dresses will resemble more formal gowns but will feature more-lax designs that would not normally be found on evening gowns such as flowers.

Another kind of dress that never goes out of style and is considered to be cute is the hater-top style of dress. These are typically held up by straps that go from the shoulders of the dress to around the neck, and often expose part of the back. These are appropriate all times of the year, but may have to be combined with a coat during the winter months to ensure that you stay warm enough.

The spaghetti strap dress is a dress that first rose to popularity in the 1990s and has remained popular since that time. These can also function as a shirt-dress style, and are appropriate for all times of the year, but are commonly worn alone in the summer. Nearly any dress can potentially fall into the “cute” category, given that it is dainty and stylish but not too revealing.

Roofing companies

When living in the greater Broward county region and needing any kind of repairs or replacement of their roof, homeowners can count on the services provided by the roofing companies. Roofing companies in Broward county are specialized in all types of roofing and is able to help eliminate any potential problems with their extensive roof inspection services. Prevention now can help to avoid even more serious problems in the future.

If the existing roof already has damage, it should be repaired as soon as possible to ensure further damage is not rendered to the structure, causing repair bills to escalate even more. Selecting a top rated roofing company is an essential step for those wanting to maintain their roof’s integrity and have quality and professional repairs made.

A properly repaired roof can prevent further damage, including unseen problems that often become very extensive without being discovered. With early inspection and minor repairs it is often possible to prevent having to make a complete roof replacement prematurely. However, it is essential that these repairs be made in a timely manner and correctly.

Eventually, every roof must be replaced. Complete roof replacements are major investments, bur help to increase a home’s value. By adding a new roof, it is often possible to reduce one’s expense for heating and cooling bills while also prolonging the longevity of the home itself to add value. A good roof is essential for the protection of a home and ensuring good quality work is very important.

When facing any type of roofing needs, homeowners should trust their home to the top Broward county roofing company.

Motivational Speakers

What would your life be like if failure was not an option? Would you like to perform at your peak more often? What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Life would definitely be a little more enjoyable, would it not? Motivational speakers try and create this vision for their audiences. Motivational speakers help people show off their best selves.

Motivational speakers who produce inspiring declarations create an environment where the message sticks, motivation soars, and goals are reached. Motivational speakers are perfect for any group of people looking to put their best selves forward and live life the way it is meant to be lived.

Motivational speakers are influential people who combine personal experience with life management principles to create a message used to inspire, motivate and enlighten an audience. Motivational speakers give speeches to groups both large and small in an effort to intensify a particular organizational culture or ideal, such as Eric Bailey – Cali award winning motivational speaker – https://fivepointfive.org/eric-bailey-winner-of-the-cali-award/.

Motivational speakers are in high demand in the business and corporate world. There is such a demand mainly because employee motivation, determination and commitment are such important attitudes for any company to have in order for it to succeed in today’s competitive business market.

Businesses and corporations hire motivational speakers in an effort to increase the morale of their employees and instill in them an emotional drive to become fully involved in their work. They can be featured during company parties, workshops and training seminars. They usually give 1-3 hour presentations and their messages can be tailored to your audience’s needs.

Perhaps the most common theme among all motivational speakers is there passion for setting and keeping goals. There are four steps involved in keeping goals that motivational speakers will most likely focus on. First, one must choose to chance something, anything that excites them simply by thinking about the possibility of the change.

Next, most motivational speakers will tell you to envision yourself succeeding at your goal. By doing this, you become passionate about your desire, your belief becomes unshakeable and you become unstoppable. Your subconscious does not know the difference between imagining it and it really happening, so creating that vision will make you all the more confident in your abilities. Next we are counseled by motivational speakers to choose a quality that will help us reach our goals. Any quality you admire in someone else is a quality you already have. You just need to practice it!

Lastly, we are advised by motivational speakers to create a new habit that will help us achieve or goals. Good habits usually don’t just happen. You need to develop a specific plan for creating a new habit. It’s simply a matter of choosing an action that helps develop your quality, deciding when to practice that habit, knowing that you are going to have to repeat it many times and then give yourself a consistent reminder.

Other common themes among motivational speakers include determination, getting things done and creating positive change in an organization and in the lives of listeners. Motivational speakers are worth their weight in gold because they can get lives and organizations back on the road to success.

Why Granite Countertops?

Why do people like granite countertops? Many homeowners in Metro Detroit are attracted to their looks. Granite is a natural substance that looks natural as well. You can find granite countertops to match almost any decor for the kitchen or bathroom. But since granite countertops are made of natural materials, you are limited in your color choices to those found in nature.

Granite countertops come in several different finishes. These can be polished or matte look. Tumbled looks have more rounded edges. The granite can be honed for a smoother look. A flamed granite countertop is torched to give a textured look. No two pieces of granite are alike so don’t be surprised if the granite countertops installed in your home are different from the samples you chose. Only if you ask the contractor to see the exact granite they will use for your kitchen or bathroom can you be assured of the look of your granite countertops. A contractor or other home improvement professional can explain any differences.

Granite countertops can take almost any type of abuse heaped on them by busy housewives or careless children. Unlike laminate countertops, you can place a hot pot or pan directly on granite countertops and it won’t damage them. You don’t need a cutting board if you are chopping vegetables on a granite countertop since it is impossible for even the sharpest knife to penetrate the stone surface. Southern housewives love to roll out their biscuit dough right onto their granite countertops without having to worry about damage.

Cleaning granite countertops is simple. Mild detergent or soap will keep your granite countertops looking like new. You will want to avoid abrasive cleaners and those that are very acidic. Use a soft cleaning cloth on the granite countertops and avoid using scouring pads.

Granite countertops are expensive. To cover a typical kitchen island, the price can range from $70 to $100 per square foot. To cut these costs, you may want to use granite countertops in an area that is more visible to visitors and use a cheaper form of laminate countertops in other areas. The fact that granite countertops need to be resealed each year adds to the cost. It is good idea to use a professional contractor to install and reseal the granite countertops. You don’t want to spend more money trying to repair damage because you tried to do it yourself.

Most home improvement stores sell granite countertops. Several online stores also sell Granite Countertops in Metro Detroit. Both retailers and online stores sometimes offer deals that will help cut the costs of your granite countertops.

Tips To Help You Quickly Patent Your Invention

Are you trying to figure out how and why to Patent Your Invention? If so, then you have come to the right place! Let’s begin with why you need to Patent Your Invention.

When you Patent Your Invention, you are protecting yourself and your idea. This protects you from anyone and being able to reproduce and manufacturer the product as stated on https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/inventhelp.

There are three types of Patents available. Before you can Patent Your Invention, you will first need to know which category your product fits best. The three types of Patents are Utility, Design and Plant.

A Utility Patent Application may be filed if you have invented or discovered a useful and new process, article of manufacture, machine or compositions of matters.

You can Patent Your Invention under a Design Patent if you have invented an original , new and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.

To Patent Your Invention under a Plant Patent you must discover or invent and asexually reproduce a distinct and new variety of plant.

Now that you know why you need to Patent Your Invention and have learned about the types of patents available, lets move on to how to Patent Your Invention.

This process can be done on your own, however, I suggest you align yourself with a company that will help you through the process. There are many companies, such as Invent Help, that will walk you step by step through the process and be able to answer any and all of your questions as you can see from Invent Help reviews. When you Patent Your Invention, you will be investing your money in yourself and it is a good idea to have someone with expertise in the field to help you.

Many of these companies do have a toll free line and you can call them to request a free inventors kit. This is good way to start the process. Simply tell them you are researching ways to Patent Your Invention and they will be happy to help you. There is also a helpline available to you which can be quite helpful.

If you choose to go through one of these companies, you will then be referred to an Independent Patent Attorney. They will be able to help you prepare and file a U.S. Patent Application. This can be a little costly, so you want to make sure you completely believe in your product before you move forward.

You will want to make sure that you keep all documents related once you begin to Patent Your Invention. Make sure your documents are dated and make sure you keep receipts and bank transactions.

The main thing to do is to educate yourself. Once you decide to Patent Your Invention, you are well on your way to success. Do not let yourself become overwhelmed by the process. Align yourself with a great company to help you and enjoy the process. This could be the greatest move of your life.

Lighten up your business with neon signs

When considering getting neon signs for your business, you most likely think, “No, I do not want my company to look like a casino”. And rightfully so, to an extent. Las Vegas is the city with the biggest amount of neon signs, and we all know that casinos are all but native to Vegas. However, neon signs do emit a certain atmosphere, which is potentially desirable for some businesses.

Neon signs light up your business so people remember it better, that’s why businesses unrelated to the nightlife and arts invest in neon signs at all. Every major city in USA has some neon signs. Of course, you will gain the maximum from your neon signs if your business works during late hours, but even if you only work in working hours, they do stand out throughout the day and give away a classy feel suitable for all sorts of businesses.

Animated neon signs look marvelous, and work for nearly every business. Although you wouldn’t use neon signs (especially animated) if you owned an undertaking business, less “serious” companies would only benefit from attracting visitors with classy, animated neon signs. For example, a hair salon or a liquor store would give a taste of “what’s inside” to everyone who sees the neon signs. However, have a number of diverse businesses which employ neon signs. Surely, there has to be something more to neon signs than the classy look.

Well… Neon Light Signs are a great long-term investment. The average expected lifetime for a neon sign is 7-10 years – and they usually stop working because of wiring failures. The vibrant colors and the long lifetime are the main reasons why companies prefer this sort of signage; if not for the long lifetime, neon signs would not be profitable due to handwork involved in their making.

Always be sure to contact only reputed signage companies for your neon signs. What seems like a minor departure from the original design can turn your investment into shreds. There is a number of companies which offer neon signs, so be sure to do your homework on at least the one you think you’ll pick.

Carpet Cleaning Professionals Benefits

From dirt, dust and mites to liquid spills and other micro-organisms, carpets can harbor so much that is potentially harmful to your health. The cleaning market offers various solutions from do-it-yourself methods to buying or hiring cleaning equipment. However, a deep clean requires you to invest time and money into buying the right equipment which you may not have. To give your rugs and mats the proper care they need, you need to bring in professionals. This not only saves you time but ensures that your Adelaide house remains clean and healthy. There are numerous advantages of calling in the pros.

Certified cleaning solutions

The cleaning products industry has undergone numerous advancements. When looking for a cleaning company you need to find one that uses safe and bio-degradable products that will not harm you or your family. Reputable companies in Adelaide, South Australia will also have the latest tools such as super-strong suction machines to get rid of all dirt particles and allergens before any cleaning can begin. If you or your children have allergen sensitivities, you need to communicate this to the cleaning company so that they can use special plant based or natural cleaners without harmful chemicals. For local, professional carpet cleaners in Adelaide click here.

Better air quality

Dirty carpets can make the air in your room stuffy and dusty. Deep cleaning and vacuuming not only removes dirt but improves the air quality in your house. Pounds of built-up dirt are removed from your carpet by a professional cleaning through the use of quality products which give your house an appealing and fresh look. Carpet cleaning products also have a refreshing fragrance that leaves your house with a pleasant scent.

Time saving

Carpet cleaning is a strenuous process. You need to move the furniture, vacuum clean, spot clean to treat stains, apply treatments, fill and empty tanks and carry the cleaning equipment when you’re done, not forgetting moving the furniture back. All this is draining to say the least and again, you may not have the luxury of time to engage in all these activities. Hiring a professional saves you the hassle and energy of this tedious task.

Expertise and knowledge

An experienced cleaner has vast knowledge of different types of carpets and how to clean them. They will also give you advice on the best cleaners to use based on the type you have. Instead of risking damage to the fiber of your rugs and mats, you can benefit from their expertise and knowledge. Trends in the industry keep changing, and newer and safer products are entering the market, so you need a professional that is in touch with the latest advancements to give your carpet the best treatment.